
Every person who has had ever had someone say, “Mentor Me,” wants to know what to do when they sit down with that person in their mentoring sessions.
This book is the ‘How to’ of mentoring: it is simple to understand , immediately applicable, and very practical. Well written, comprehensive, and easy to follow, here’s what you can expect to learn from reading this book:
- What mentoring is
- How to mentor someone
- What the Bible contributes to mentoring
- How to get started
- What to avoid
- How to use what you have and what you know to mentor others
“Mentor Me” brings together over thirty years of my experience of mentoring others and being mentored myself, as well as a treasure chest of practical and biblical lessons from a doctoral project and thesis on how to train and equip mentors to effectively serve others in a mentoring relationship.” -Michael Grechko.

Mastering the art of giving and receiving is critical to being a functioning member of any part of creation. To master either one without the other leads to a toxic existence. Whether the issue is breathing, eating, or how we think about things, we must be willing to wrestle with our primary frameworks for both our inflow as well as our outflow. Breathe in/ Breathe out. Food in/ Food out. Water in/ Water out. Money in/ Money out. With academic rigor, Dr. Mike does a fantastic job building a scriptural framework for success and generosity. I would encourage everyone to read, digest, and wrestle with the implications found within these pages. Inside these pages, you will find an incredibly helpful tool to start your journey towards monetary wholeness. Can we allow the Word to be made flesh and create a habit in our lives to master the tension between Kingdom advancement and personal abundance?